Nov 29, 2010

Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving...

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and our little princess could not wait..

she heard we were making Aunt Mary's fruit salad...

and the Cool Whip she ate!

Next we mixed the corn casserole and she stirred it just right...

then onto the pumpkin pie filling where Gabriella turned on the beaters and pumpkin flew all over the kitchen that night.

Jordan was sick on the couch with a fever of 102...

while Gabriella tended to Nemo making sure he wasn't sick too.

Open your mouth wide your temperature we will take...

while Nicholas is in the kitchen icing his delicious chocolate cake.

The night did not go exactly as planned, but on our Thanksgiving eve we counted our blessings and gave thanks to God for a family filled with love, a house warm and cozy, and four beautiful children that God has blessed us with beyond measure:)

Nov 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving...

During this time of Thanksgiving we want to thank God for everyone, including family, friends and even my cyber friends for blessing us with such special people in our lives. We are also incredibly thankful for four healthy, happy children who have made our family complete. Happy Thanksgiving and praying you all have a wonderful day spent with family and friends:)

Nov 22, 2010

I Wuv You Mum!

Gabriella has told our entire family "wuv you" for several months and I do think she understands and means what she is saying which is wonderful! The last couple of months though she has been sooooo precious when she tells me she loves me:) Gabriella will take a hold of my cheeks in her little toddler hands, look me straight in the eye and say "I W-U-V you Mum" and I can tell she is saying it from the bottom of her heart:) The comment is then followed with the best toddler kiss anyone could ask for and then to top it off she wraps her little arms around my neck and gives me a huge hug. Curtis asked me what I would like for Christmas the other day ~ I told him my Christmas present arrived on March 1 of this year when our daughter was placed in our arms...she is truly a gift from God and we are thankful each and everyday for entrusting us with such a special blessing!

Nov 19, 2010

Gabriella's First Visit to the Pumpkin Patch...

Gabriella couldn't figure out why she was sitting on the pumpkins...

After a few seconds she decided it was ok...

she just has a mom who loves to take pictures and she just happens to be one of her favorite subjects:)

She chose two of her favorite pumpkins and was ready to check out..."take home mama" is what she asked:)

Nicholas, Gabriella, Jordan and Laci enjoyed our visit as well:)

Though we had a short visit, and the sun was not on our side for pictures, a good time was had by all:) We ended our visit with some wonderful apple cider slush's and some apple cider to take home as well:)

Nov 16, 2010 Jordan

Gabriella with Jordan before the service began...

Daniel even came to support his little brothers first youth church service that he led...

Jordan speaking on the topics of...

commitment and following God's calling...

All the youth placed a card on the cross as to what they were committed to whether it was dance, cheer leading, soccer, basketball, baseball....

Jordan then read a few of the commitments the youth group had. Many were committed to sports, friends, hobbies among other things that many people enjoy. He then turned the cross around where everyone saw only the bare cross and asked if anyone was willing to be as committed to God as they were the activities they wrote down on their card. He then defined the word commitment in three parts "to come" and follow God's calling; "mitt" like a baseball mitt and to hold onto what God has called you to do and "ment" as this is what God has meant for you to do with your life.
We truly couldn't be more proud of Jordan, his dedication, commitment to God and knowing what his calling in life is at the young age of 17!

Nov 14, 2010

Our friends are expecting a baby...from China!!!

Our family has been ecstatic the past week as some dear friends of ours, who I've known the hubby since he was born, just accepted the referral of their beautiful baby girl from China!! "Song" will be Paul and Devon's first child and she is just precious!! Please feel free to visit their blog to see pictures of their sweet ten month old baby girl! Gabriella received an early Christmas present as the soft, cuddly bear is helping to support Song coming home to her forever family! Take a peek...I'm sure you have a little one who may like one too. Gabriella's little bear has been shopping with us, sleeps with her at night, and has received lots of TLC since being adopted into our family:) Our family is praising God that Song may possibly be home with her family in just four to six months ~ oh what a day of rejoicing it will be when we see her in the loving arms of her mama and baba!!

Ni Hao Y'all

Nov 4, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

My first trick-or-trick...I'm not sure what its all about but I think it's going to be fun!

Mom thinks I look so tiny and cute in my costume...even from the back:)

My first stop...

for trick or treat...

was at Papa and Grandmas and they were happy to see me:)

Papa said I have been working my magic on this family for the past seven months...I think I've grown to love my new family:)

When I turned around and saw Emme was here to trick or treat I was soooo excited!! Emme was Minnie Mouse and looked very cute!!

Emme is a very special friend and has helped me through a lot of first since I've been home:) She helped me to go down the slide at the park for the first time, we went on my first picnic together, she was there at my first football game and now my first trick or treat...thank you sooo much Emme...I love you!

Emme knew how to count for two pieces of candy! Good girl Emme:)

Once I figured out what was going on I couldn't get to the next house fast enough!

Emme and I stuck together through the whole night! I hope she can keep coming over to trick or treat each year...I'm already asking when we can go again!

Happy Halloween!!!

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