Gabriella and I cherish our girl time together. I love her giggles, the secrets
she tells me, how our personalities are so alike, that God knew beyond a
shadow of a doubt he created us for one another and the list can go on. What
I love about her too is how open she is with me. Maybe its her age and the
innocence of childhood. I'm hoping it's just the beginning of a relationship we
will share for a life time.
Today, as we were driving down the interstate she asked me to tell her about
when her brothers were born. We have had this discussion before and she
loves hearing the stories of how they either cried or were quiet when they
were born. I have always told her she was just like Daniel and Nicholas as
they were both crying when they were placed in my arms and she wasn't any
different:) I include all four of their birth weights as I always try to include her
as honestly as I can during birth story time. I then tell her that when she fell
asleep out in the van as we were driving back to the hotel I kissed her face,
her hands, rubbed her hair and held her close and tight...she giggles as when
she first came to us, and we would kiss her, she would wipe off our kisses
showing us she was less than happy with us...but she also knows that every
time she went to sleep I held her, kissed her and loved on she just
smiles and giggles when I share that story with her.
Today she said "mommy, tell me about the day I was born". I quickly looked
back and her face was very serious. I prayed and I prayed quickly asking God
to give me the words to say. I told her what I knew. I told her that her birth
mommy loved her so much that after she came out of her tummy she spent a
few days with her. She asked why she didn't stay with her like the boys
stayed with us. I told her that China has a lot of rules and sometimes birth
mommies can't keep their babies, but that her birth mommy did EVERYTHING
she could to make sure you were taken care of and she took you to _________
so you would have the best care possible until grandma and grandpa China
could come pick you up; and they took care of you until China said mommy
and daddy could come to bring you home.
Gabriella was perfectly content with the answers I gave her ~ thank you Lord
~ but I was crying the silent tears Gabriella used to cry. My heart BROKE at
the thought of her birth mother spending several days with our precious
daughter then making the decision that she did; a decision that our family is
ETERNALLY grateful for yet a decision I don't know that I would honestly be
strong enough to make.