Pastor Stan is someone that Gabriella will always remember. He was the
pastor at her preschool for the last year and a half and she truly looked
forward to she and her class singing with him during Chapel.
Though we have lost a couple family members since Gabriella has been home,
I think this is the first time she has really understood the finality of death
here on earth. Last week the silent tears that I haven't seen for a very long
time began to fall. When I held her and asked what was wrong she said "I'm
going to miss Pastor Stan" and then she let it a-l-l out!! My heart broke in
two for her, and not knowing exactly how to fix it, I asked from prayer for our
sweet baby girl.
Carol Lee, a dear friend and who formerly served at a Christian pre-school
suggested that Gabriella write a letter to Pastor Stan, attach it to a balloon
and send it to heaven. Brilliant, but you have to know Carol Lee as she is full
of great ideas! I suggested this idea to Gabriella, and for the first time since
talking about Pastor Stan since his passing, her eyes lit up and I saw a smile!
Today we went to a local store and purchased a blue balloon as she felt that
was his favorite color. We wrote a letter. Gabriella drew a picture of she and
Pastor Stan holding hands. We then drove to her preschool.
We said a very special prayer together telling Jesus she really missed Pastor
Stan and asked if he could give him a hug for her. We attached the letter to
the balloon and sent it Special Delivery, to Pastor Stan in heaven. We
watched the balloon fly high into the sky until we could no longer see it. She
asked if Pastor Stan would be happy that she wrote him a letter; I told her
yes. As the day went on she talked about her letter, fun times she had with
Pastor Stan and realizes that one day, she will get to see him again in heaven
and hopefully he will be playing his guitar and singing with all of her preschool