We have now been waiting for our LOA for one month. I have been following many families who are adopting right now and watching their LOA times as well. One family just received their LOA in 39 days ~ we are thrilled for them! On the long side we know of a family who waited 115 days while many families seem to be falling into the 50 -60 day time frame. Jordan is totally convinced that Gabriella is eating cantaloupe in this picture and loves it as much as he does ~ I don't believe it's cantaloupe yet I'm not sure what it is. We love this picture of Gabriella and think it's great that her foster mom is even doing her hair:) I hope she is a patient little girl as this mama has only done the boys hair for the last 18 years ~ it may take a little time to get the hair thing down ~ I think we will start with simple things like bows that clip in and move up from there:) Curtis and the boys think it will be easy to take care of Gabriella's hair ~ they think we should purchase a couple pink or purple baseball caps and that should take care of it ~ boys!!! We're praying we receive our LOA by Thanksgiving ~ we know it's all in God's time however we are ready to have our baby girl home with her family:)
Homemade Sourdough Flour Tortillas
2 days ago
39 days... wow. I wonder if they are a I600 family? It is so frustrating that the range is so broad and no rhyme or reason. I will pray that we BOTH get an LOA in "39 days" too!!
I am so happy for you to be receiving pictures!!
Praying you receive LOA quick...I remember how hard it can be in the waiting....but as you said, everything IS in His time and for good.
My brother bought Sophie a pink Boston Red Socks baseball hat that she just loves....and I know what you mean about the hair. I does take some practice. I still can''t quite figure out how they got Sophie's hair in some of the do's she had;-). I have learned doing her hair wet makes it easier to hold as her hair is so smooth and fine the bows and clips seem to slide right out! Sophie seems to enjoy her hair in more easy arrangements...pony tail/pig tails which works great for me!! Doing her hair in the morning is one of my favorite daily activities.
Your baby is looking beautful!
Praying that you are on the shorter end of the wait. I didn't think the wait was too hard until I reached day 60. I had just expected it to be that quick and it wasn't.
How do you keep getting new pictures? Gabriela is such a cutie!
You are doing a great job at the patience thing but I am NOT. Hurry , hurry, hurry! I'm hoping you let me do her hair =) Or the girls ...She's Be-yoo-tee-full.
I love that you're thinking about her hair!! I did this a ton while I was waiting. Don't forget to bring some clips with you to China-- you'll have lots of time to practice :)
Be blessed,
She is sooo cute and the pictures give an sight to her little personality! Nice of the foster mom to send them. Patience is difficult at this point, I know. Hang in there, it can't be much longer. :)
She is absolutely beautiful!!! My word...good thing she is going to have 3 older brothers! Does your new carseat have pink on it like mine:) Hoping you get a quick LOA!! You never know. I saw an I-800 family get their's in less than 30 days. So you may be a trendsetter:)
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