Having a princess in the house is very different than having all boys:) We are very used to hearing "Mom, Dad come here. I want to show you...how far I can hit the ball, throw the ball, jump, shoot the ball"...I think you get the idea. Today after coming home from work I hear a little voice say "Mama wook" and there was Gabriella all dressed in her dress up clothes ~ wayyy tooo precious!!! To say we LOVE having a daughter puts in mildly:)
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
Always so precious! it is nice experiencing both sides.... actually i have pix of my boys wearing cinderella dresses and wigs in high heels.... Scott was not as thrilled by this - but they are all boys!!
Today is Kaitlyn's 7th birthday party - it is pouring outside - but we will have a horse party inside... made the horse cake last night and should be fun.
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