Nov 22, 2010

I Wuv You Mum!

Gabriella has told our entire family "wuv you" for several months and I do think she understands and means what she is saying which is wonderful! The last couple of months though she has been sooooo precious when she tells me she loves me:) Gabriella will take a hold of my cheeks in her little toddler hands, look me straight in the eye and say "I W-U-V you Mum" and I can tell she is saying it from the bottom of her heart:) The comment is then followed with the best toddler kiss anyone could ask for and then to top it off she wraps her little arms around my neck and gives me a huge hug. Curtis asked me what I would like for Christmas the other day ~ I told him my Christmas present arrived on March 1 of this year when our daughter was placed in our arms...she is truly a gift from God and we are thankful each and everyday for entrusting us with such a special blessing!


Rebekah said...

Isn't it wonderful when you realize that they really do mean those "I WUV you's" and they aren't just repeating what you have said to them?!!!
Enjoy your first holiday season with Gabriella. It is truly a blessing to have her home with her family!

Paula.... said...

That is awesome...she is soo are so blessed!!

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