Jun 7, 2011

Papaw and Grandma time...

To say our extended family has accepted and loved Gabriella from the moment she came home is an understatement!  It is also very clear that God hand picked her for us as her personality overflows with many of the same characteristics the girls in our family have!  Kris, my sister, recently ask Gabriella to be the flower girl in her December wedding and gave her a Dora flower girl doll that Gabriella just loves.  She has been talking about dropping flowers from the basket for Kris to walk on and then she will sit down when she is all done.  We will be practicing quite a bit for the big day and we are all looking forward to Kris and Kevin's wedding:)  Papaw and Grandma knew that I had been taking Lisa's photography class and were more than willing to allow me to take some pics of them with Gabriella, thank you very much!  I know it will take months, if not years of practice however I'm enjoying every single bit of it and something tells me I may have more willing participants from our family:)


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