Nov 27, 2011

Thanksgving...Gabriella Style!

I have to confess, being a parent to a toddler/pre-schooler again in my early 40's

is absolutely AWESOME!!!  I wondered how I may handle the sleepless nights, the

 potty training, and all the time that goes into raising a child and the truth is...I

would do it again in a heartbeat!

When Gabriella came home with her little hand-print made into a turkey it really

took me back to thinking about when the boys were little and did something

similar.  What was really neat...was when I began to read what she

was thankful for! 

In case you can't make it out she loves and is thankful for Jordan as they give

each other hugs. She also loves Daniel and he lives "away" (aka in North

Carolina).  She loves mommy and she likes to take pictures of her...she

nailed that one!  She loves daddy and that he helps her draw and she loves

Nicholas as well as playing hide and seek with him.

We are thankful to God and that he has blessed our family with the most precious

 little girl in the entire world and she has captured a place in each of our hearts

that no one else could fill!


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