Apr 6, 2010

Gabriella's first Easter at home

Look, the Easter eggs I put on the tree last week are still here!

I LOVE my big brothers! I'm currently calling Daniel, "Naniel". Nicholas became "Nicky" and Jordan, well he still remains nameless however I love playing with him and I'm working very hard to say his name:)

I'm not sure I like this green stuff yet....I think I need to say something to my dad or brothers about how long it's getting.

I loved playing with Daniel and Alyssa this weekend!

I went to church for the first time today and I LOVED the music!

Here comes the wind....

they had wind in China too...I'm not sure I like it very well.

Baba said dinner is ready....I'm ready to eat! Happy Easter!


Sheri_n_Ben said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl. Your family is wonderful!

Sheri (Leilah Di and Olivia Xia's Mommy...and Mom to many more!)

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